Thursday, August 23, 2012

The wamth of a butterfly..the dance of a woman

Dance is something, a dancer never misses, because it usually never leaves you, with time you add to it another facet of yourself..While on my on and oft dance routine today, I was reminded of Cleo de Merode and sat down to write a few lines..urged by some unknown urge-

My dance, its elegance, its waywardness,
Its slight intimacy,
Is like you and your caress-
Your touch so profound
Like the khol in my eyes,
My circle of love complete,
In the balance of forces-
Both yours and mine.
And yet all too sudden and short.

I kiss your shadow,
Flitting and suddenly incomplete-
Without the lust of whispered edifices,
into you-
Your eyes shut, to my tremble of resonance
And warmth like a butterfly
In some belly.

And now when I look back,
Curled up like a cat,
I'm content, rendered useless
Of all that needs to be done-
Careless and seem-less in my crawl.

© 2012 Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury

( Image courtesy Google Images)


chitra said...

i expected a diff sort whn i saw title in my readers list updates...but the poem is quite different...
gud 1

Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury said...

Thanks Chitra :)

The Unknowngnome said...

I'm glad you heeded your urge. This is all the love of dance and it dances itself. The last stanza encapsulates it all and captivates me. Well, well done!

Noopur said...

beautiful lines....

Nefariousx said...

This was a beautiful and elegant poems. Great work.

Elaine Danforth said...

Quite an interesting idea, to compare the experience of dancing to the experience of enjoying a person who is not now with you. A good exploration of feelings and images to relate the experience to the reader.

Vijay Shenoy said...

Interesting read... Nice work... Keep Blogging!

Sabyasachi Patra said...

Nicely weaved feelings with dance. Your words "kissing the shadow" conveys deep love. It reminded me of the book Scarlet Pimpernel. The hero is unable to convey his deep feelings to his wife and in one scene kisses the walls and the place where moments before his wife had stood....

Unknown said...

Ah, Lovely..!

Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury said...

Thanks Elaine..that's very perceptive though :) Vijay, Sabyasachi, Ghazala thanks so much all of you for reading..makes it worth the write!