Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When in the kingdom of love..

When in the kingdom of Love,
I come without my egos,
My strips that proclaim I am but this and that..
For in loving and being loved
I shall be naked as the nomad,
Soar as the birds & love till an eternity as old as time…


Paulami said...

and be equal with the gods
and in eternity rely

Purba said...

Sans ego, sans guilt, sans hurt...wish I could love like that.

Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury said...

yeah :) lets say Amen to that.

Dhanaraj Keezhara said...

When in the kingdom of Love,
I come without my egos,

D2 said...

Love is all about being so open with the one you love that your soul appears naked.
Lovely poem.