She died..I am told today
Her seed lisped out a cry
"Prayers for her..a silent something?"
What do I pray for a soul so satiated
Someone who feared to go so..
Someone so me in the me'O mine
I can but see her as a we..
The loss of someone close
The fear of loosing the presence
The stillness of it all
When the mind shrieks in silences
The soul cannot hear
For its journey from wherever to whenever has begun in earnest
The still of the body
In smiles that you see no more
In the cotton ear plugs that allow
Your cries to filter no more
In happy stillness they sit on a body that was once OURS
When death approaches in footsteps that wonder now here now there
When all at once it dawns on us that
she shall perhaps smile no more
fear no more
cry no more at the fear of shall we say 'The going'
The realisation is perhaps a relief in questions of the unknown
But would like to know from this disturbed soul of fears
was the passing a quiet?
And then the questions galore pour forth
Are you there again amidst us maybe in the hug of a woof
In the books that gather dust
In the little eyes acoss the lane that smilingly do their dance
Are you here somewhere in the presence that was ours?
Or are you gone and truly forgot, in the insence sticks I burn
Spiralling in their wafty smoke, the essence of a life all but gone?
In memories and in pages and in words that you leave for us
We find the you & you the us
For in that we are but connected
Perhaps in that umbical cord alone
You shall live a life fuller than what you thought you had
In the hyms of today, and hands folded in prayer
Let the you be rested
your essence in our minds it lingers
In the words that corpses can never be
Somewhere in this eternity called time
If the world were even to doom
the words would linger for posterity
In a hung transition called time
Like Sun, the moon and stars they assume a life of their own
Be not sad O Amma of mine
You leave not this world not its beauty galore
In urchins on the street and flowers that laugh
You remain within & within the heart.....
© 2010 Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury